Frequently Asked Questions


How long have you been natural?

I've been natural for 1.5 years. I did a slow transition for one year. I actually went natural on accident after keeping in braids and washing my hair after seeing stringy ends, I decided to cut off the relaxed ends. I've been loving it since.

What is your hair type?

My hair type is a mixture between 4a/4b/4c. My hair has tighter curls in the back and the curls become looser in the front of my head

What do you love about your natural hair?

I love the versatility I have with my hair and the strength and confidence I've gained ever since wearing my natural hair. I've learned we don't go natural after doing a big chop but we actually go back to being natural. We literally go back to the hair texture that God intended us to have. 

Do you ever straighten your hair or put heat on it?

The summer I first went natural, I flat ironed my hair and haven't done it since then. I've flat ironed my hair one time since going natural. I've now made the choice not to flat iron my hair. Maybe, in the future I may apply heat. 

What oils do you use to seal in your hair?

I use coconut oil, olive oil and shea butter. I tend to use heavier butters in the winter time as the cold is very harsh on my hair during that time and use the lighter oils in the warmer months. 

What are your favorite products?

I love the Giovanni line, after using Giovanni Shampoo and Conditoner my hair is really defined. I love Qhemet Biologics and Cantu Shea Butter Cream. I plan on trying the Shea moisture line, I feel really confident with that line of products.  These products work for my hair but everyone is composed of a different DNA and consequently have different outcomes from different products. 

Where do I buy unrefined shea butter?

I purchase my unrefined shea buyer from my local health food store. I also buy my Giovanni shampoo and conditioner from there also. 

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